Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fire Mayor Robertson!

This riot was completely predictable and in large part, preventable. It happened in 1994 and the Mayor Gregor Robertson should have known there was a good chance this would happen if the Canucks lost and taken steps to protect the city by bringing in more law enforcement. He did not, and the result is hundreds of injuries and millions of dollars in damaages and a big black eye for the city of Vancouver.

When are the citizens of this city going to wake up to the fact that Mr. Robertson is not here for Vancouver, but for himself and that he is dangerous for Vancouver? What's it going to take for citizens to realize it?

For more insight into the character of this man, scroll down to the post July 13, 2010, and get a load of how our good mayor behaves when he doesn't think he is being recored by the press. Vancouverites need to give their heads a shake and replace this mayor ASAP.

Mob beats man trying to quell riots in downtown Vancouver

This is one of the most disturbing and disgusting sights from the riot. Here is what an ugly, violent mob looks like.

Mob beats man trying to quell riots in downtown Vancouver Read it on Global News: Mob beats man trying to quell riots in downtown Vancouver

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Big One: Are we next? - March 18, 2011 The

By Mary Ormsby Feature Writer

Canada’s West Coast will be cleaved, crushed and submerged by an earthquake and tsunami similar to the twin disasters that decimated parts of Japan.

It could happen today. Or 100 years from now. One certainty: It will be The Big One.

“Statistically, we’re about due,’’ says Stephen Johnston, professor of tectonics at the University of Victoria’s school of earth and ocean sciences.

The frequency of The Big One is about every 300 to 500 years on the West Coast; the last one was in 1700. Despite cutting-edge science, earthquakes cannot be easily predicted, says Johnston.

“We had the Chilean earthquake last year, the Sumatran earthquake on Boxing Day 2004 and we, on the West Coast, are waiting for the Cascadia subduction zone to rupture in the same fashion,” the geologist says.

Continued, click on title

Updated Earthquake Maps Show Fault Lines Run into BC - April 2008

Two British Columbia fault lines running south of Abbotsford and south of Victoria could potentially cause earthquakes measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale, according to a new study released by U.S. seismologists.