Thursday, June 26, 2008

Letter to Editor of The Province

Re: Oppal not impressed by police video of alleged addict begging to be jailed, Article June 24, 2008

Attorney-General Wally Oppal implies that the police must be pulling a fast one when it comes to super chronic offenders when he says: “the video needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Here's a guy with his face blurred out. We don't know who he is…”. Then, instead of admitting what a terrible job he and judges are doing, he simply deflects all responsibility with: "I'm not sure it's productive to go around pointing fingers at everybody else, when there's enough blame to go around," Oppal said.

Oppal typifies everything that’s wrong with governance today. Mirror opposites of what Thomas Jefferson had in mind, the politician of the day hardly intends on serving the people, but are only concerned with preserving power and serving themselves. And not unlike the end of the Roman Empire, people are getting the leaders they deserve. Oppal and judges should be fired and held accountable for the losses they are contributing to.

But until the people of Vancouver demand far more, conditions will surely continue to deteriorate.

Louis Paquette102 - 2020 Comox Street
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6G 1R9
(604) 687-5772

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