Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Downtown Eastside residents fear they'll be jailed during Games - Vancouver Sun

Some people can't afford to pay fines given during ticketing sweep for civil disorder

Pivot Legal Society lawyer Douglas King said the ticketing sweeps were instituted under Project Civil City, an initiative of the previous city council, and B.C.'s Safe Streets Act, both of which recommend increased enforcement of bylaws dealing with civil disorder, such as spitting, jaywalking and vending items on sidewalks.

Dawson said that with the help of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users and Pivot Legal Society, he'll take his tickets to court, and fight them, rather than risk jail time.

"I should have gone on the crosswalk, but this is my front yard," he said Sunday, adding that one of his friends served a five-day jail sentence after not paying a jaywalking ticket.
(It's groups such as these that are actually making it even more difficult to restore order to our Streets. Rather that clogging the courts with frivolous cases, they should be explaining to jaywalkers why we have concepts such as "right of way" - so there isn't complete chaos! But instead - they interfer with the police - and actually ENCORAGE even more negative behaviour and social disorder such as panhandling, street vending, jaywalking, dumpster diving, etc.)

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